Free proposal for restoration of your painting

Within 24 hours a free proposal

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Free proposal for restoration of your painting within 24 hours

To make it easy for you, you can request a free quote for the restoration of your painting online. This restoration advice is free and without obligation. To receive the proposal, please fill in the attached application form.

Guidelines for filling in the form:

  • Please provide as much details as possible.

  • If possible, add photos of the front + back painting and one or more detailed photos of damage, scratches or other details

  • Photos must be taken in daylight and without flash.

  • The file size of a photo can be a maximum of 4 MB

  • To add multiple photos at the same time, you must first select all photos on your device. You can then drag these photos simultaneously to the attachment field, which will add them to the form.

  • You can also add photos by clicking in the attachment field. In the screen that opens, you can then select all the photos you want to add. By clicking on “Open or “Ok” in the opened screen, the files will be added to the form.

Request for proposal

Phone number
Dimoensions painting
Dimensions frame